Moopato eBook Writer. Write your e-books distraction free with markdown. Moopato eBook Writer Writer: Write A Book, write a story. The perfect app for writers. Moopato eBook Writer 1.11. Create ebooks without worrying about anything but your writing, using a simple and intuitive inter. Sep 21st 2017, 20:33 GMT.
Moopato Ebook Writer Software
1.11-1 - 2017-05-29
- Fixed Image adding in the MAC version
1.11 - 2016-11-17
- DOCX Export - During Build a Docx Version of your Book is generated
- New theme for Fiction Books
- New theme for Nonfiction books
- TOC Levels for Default theme: only include the Chapter in the Toc or alos the first Subheadngs in a chapter
1.10 - 2016-09-07
- Blind writing mode in the full-screen distraction free writing
- Tab and Backtab can now indent and unindet Markdown List entries when you hit tab somewhere in the list entry
- new shortcuts for moving a line of text a row up or down
- shortcut for hiding/showing the book navigator
- The cursors stays synced when switching between normal chapter editor and full-screen chapter editor
- Made scrollbars less distracting
- Improved the layout
- Removed Author field in chapter metadata
- Removed Draft field in front matter and back matter metadata
1.9 - 2016-07-06
- New page type Back matter, Back matter pages are displayed after the chapters and are not included in the TOC.
- Fixed a bug that prevented to load a project after a page has been deleted.
- Fixed numbering of the id attribute for the chapter html
- Fixed Postion of Autogenerated TOC in eBook, it come now after the last Front matter page
1.8 - 2016-06-28
- Chapters and Coverpages can now be ordered by drag and drop in the Contents panel. Pages will be exported to the eBook as shown.
- Added a Margin between paragraphs in the default template
- Added a margin at top for lists in the default template
- Fixed a bug that prevented to enter the fullscreen distraction free mode
- Improved style of book editing view (OS X)
1.7 - 2016-05-05
Moopato Ebook Writer Online
- Spell checker for german, english and french
- call Amazons KindleGen on ebook build and generate mobi too requires Amazons KindleGen installed
- When adding a new chapter or coverpage the file name is automatically generated from the title. Explicit file name dialog is removed.
Moopato Ebook Writer Free
1.6 - 2015-12-17
- Headers used in chapters will always be a level deeper in the final page as the chaper title is alays added as h1
- Elements can now have custom id of css classes attached
- The h1 headers in a chapter are now added to the generated table of content
- Fixed a bug in the OSX version which got the wrong filename on an image drop
1.5 - 2015-07-12
- First release of the OSX version
Moopato EBook Writer
- Cover is now added correctly to the content.opf