
As suggestive of the name, it's a straightforward and interactive timer app. Thus FocusList was born. It has a really simple idea - keep track of what needs to be done next for a project (or workstream). Only one task, no more, no less. The added benefit is that once you complete it you're immediately asked what's next, so it's really easy to keep everything up to date! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

  • Mar 27, 2021 focuslist- Lists with a focused element: foldable1- Foldable types with at least 1 element: fold-debounce- Fold multiple events that happen in.
  • FocusList is a way to improve the Pomodoro technique, forcing you to focus on one task without getting distracted. It tracks the time you spend on a task and helps deepen your concentration while you do it.

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Species Focus List

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