Plot: The entire story has a familiar setting of a lone leader, who is searching for 10 warriors to complete his quest. Loosely, based off historical Japan and myths.
Characters: No one was especially annoying or stood out to me from the chapters I've read so far. Isanami could be more assertive at times, but she's probably one of the more 'ordinary' characters in Brave 10. Saizo is mostly a anti-hero type, who later begins to redeems himself. It should be familiar with anyone who likes to read shounen manga.
Art: Detailed character designs, but the manga-ka tends to draw male/female character's faces similar ._. Very RPG-ish with the different weapons and armors. Backgrounds are normal for the genre.
Overall: It's a relatively short series with 8 volumes and completed. So far, I felt that the story didn't really drag on the past 5 volumes. I wouldn't want to read a 20+ volume series with this plot, but it's a nice manga for anyone who likes decent action fights and variety of fighters on a quest theme.
... Last updated on March 16th, 2012, 12:12pm
Characters: No one was especially annoying or stood out to me from the chapters I've read so far. Isanami could be more assertive at times, but she's probably one of the more 'ordinary' characters in Brave 10. Saizo is mostly a anti-hero type, who later begins to redeems himself. It should be familiar with anyone who likes to read shounen manga.
Art: Detailed character designs, but the manga-ka tends to draw male/female character's faces similar ._. Very RPG-ish with the different weapons and armors. Backgrounds are normal for the genre.
Overall: It's a relatively short series with 8 volumes and completed. So far, I felt that the story didn't really drag on the past 5 volumes. I wouldn't want to read a 20+ volume series with this plot, but it's a nice manga for anyone who likes decent action fights and variety of fighters on a quest theme.
... Last updated on March 16th, 2012, 12:12pm